Over the weekend, I got a short note from Sarah, one of my brides from this past May.

I just wanted to share with you how much your photos mean to me. My grandaddy passed away three weeks ago. I never knew how much pictures could mean until I looked back at the ones that you took of him and me at my wedding. You make a difference. 🙂

Wow! This is what it’s all about. Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit, because I never know when the photos I take might be someone’s last. How humbling is that?

I starting thinking about this and asked myself honestly, “Would I shoot differently if I knew the photos I took would be the last ones to remember someone by?” That’s a hard question, and I’m not sure I want to answer it. But it’s how I should be shooting all the time. And I try for that, I really do. Weddings are about the moments, the relationships, the LOVE for goodness sake! That’s what I want people to remember when they look at my photos.

Thanks, Sarah, for bringing this back into focus for me and letting me share your story.


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