April 25, 2019

Olivia & Jon – DC Cherry Blossom Engagement

I finally figured out the secret to cherry blossom photos without the crowds! Go when it’s raining! Haha. That’s exactly what happened the morning of Olivia […]
April 22, 2019

Sarah & Sean – Baltimore Engagement Photography

My day with Sarah and Sean started off with a lesson (for me) in disc golf. Sidebar: it’s actually a lot more like golf than I […]
April 4, 2019

Emily & Kyle – DC Cherry Blossom Sunrise Engagement

We captured PEAK BLOOM for Emily and Kyle’s DC cherry blossom sunrise engagement session. Peak bloom, guys, peak bloom. In the cherry blossom world, this is […]
March 27, 2019

Jessica & Andy – Manassas Battlefield Park Engagement

There’s something so peaceful about early springtime. You know, those few weeks where the trees still look bare and beautiful and your allergies aren’t completely awful […]
January 8, 2019

Ross & Vinny – Annapolis Engagement Session

I’m pretty sure Vinny and Ross couldn’t take a bad photo if they tried! Talk about photogenic. They brought a contagious energy to our downtown Annapolis […]
January 7, 2019

Lisbeth & Kevin – National Portrait Gallery Engagement

Remember when the government WASN’T shut down and you could go inside all the museums? That used to be fun. Lol. On the weekend right before […]