Courtney & Abhijit – Washington DC Tidal Basin Engagement Photography

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Courtney & Abhijit – Washington DC Tidal Basin Engagement Photography

So every year I say, “Okay, I am definitely never doing a cherry blossom session on the weekend again.” And then every year something happens and schedules conflict or (like this year) it rains nonstop the week before these things peak, and I wind up in DC at sunrise on a Saturday or Sunday of the big cherry blossom festival. That’s what happened for Courtney and Abhijit’s session. There were more people downtown at 6:30 in the morning than I’ve seen on busy weekend afternoons in the summer. Absolute insanity. The crowds were less than ideal, but then I would look at the trees, and Courtney and Abhijit’s smiling faces between all the pretty flowers, and think to myself, “Okay, maybe I get it. This is crazy beautiful.” Fortunately for me, these guys were a-ok with PDA and pretty shameless in general (they changed in public behind a tree… yep, totally calling them out on it!) and we had a quite enjoyable morning dodging tourists and photographers. 🙂

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  1. Neena Patel says:

    Awesome pictures of CourtneyAbhijit .
    You caught their emotions very well.
    Excellent work Emily.

  2. Brea says:

    Ahh! This is so beautiful! I love the blossoms! Love DC this time of year. Great job capturing their love <3

  3. Anna A. says:

    Emily! These are so perfect! Captures DC and those pretty blossoms. I love them!

  4. Courtney Clark says:

    Thanks for waking up so early to take these (on a Saturday no less)! We’re very happy with them and you can’t even tell that there were millions of people in D.C. at the time! I can’t believe you got such great shots out of the forty that you took ;-).

  5. Lauren C says:

    I can only imagine the crowds you dealt with but it looks like it was so worth it. All the cherry blossom photos are beautiful but dude….that last photo….what??!! It’s amazing!!

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