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2013 Books I’ve Read

This is another one of those silly annual posts I do… Always kinda fun for me to look back and see what I’ve read in the past. Here are my lists from 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. So far this year I’m off to a pretty good start, considering I read only 12 books in 2012! Ha.

25. The Scarlet Pimpernel – Baroness Emma Orczy 6/10
24. The Ruins of Us – Keija Parssinen 5/10
23. Jesus, My Father, the CIA and Me – Ian Morgen Cron 8/10
22. The Night Villa – Carol Goodman 4/10
21. The Brass Verdict – Michael Connelly 6/10
20. Belong to Me – Marisa de los Santos 7.5/10
19. The Chaperone – Laura Moriarty 8/10
18. Is This Tomorrow? – Caroline Leavitt 9/10
17. Bloodland – Alan Glynn 9/10
16. The Circle Maker – Mark Batterson 8.5/10
15. When You Are Engulfed in Flames – David Sedaris 8.5/10
14. The Dinner – Herman Koch 5/10
13. The Newlyweds – Neil Freudenberger 6/10
12. Baby Proof – Emily Giffin 6.5/10
11. The Red House -Mark Haddon 4/10
10. Salem Falls – Jodi Picoult 8/10
9. Noah’s Compass – Anne Tyler 4/10
8. The Fault in our Stars – John Green 10/10
7. The Art of Fielding – Chad Harbach 9/10
6. The Tipping Point – Malcolm Gladwell 7/10
5. Brain on Fire – Susannah Cahalan 8/10
4. The Pilot’s Wife – Anita Shreve 7/10 (definitely not the best book to read by the pool in Aruba, might have ranked it higher if I read it elsewhere)
3. Body of Evidence – Patricia Cornwell 7.5/10
2. Brainiac: Adventures in the Curious, Competitive, Compulsive World of Trivia Buffs – Ken Jennings 9/10
1. Everything Matters – Ron Currie Jr. 7/10

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